Saturday, 3 September 2011

The Roberton Show

I wake about 7 there had been a huge storm through the night, both Brendan and I had considered getting up to record it, but neither of us had managed. The weather forecast on Radio Scotland advised (jokingly) that people should not to come to the Borders!

It is the day of the Roberton Show and Méabh and Brendan get up to finish off their things. I pop over to see Bridie and she is happy to take our things in. Méabh goes with them, which gives me chance to do some filming in the rain.

We go into Hawick to buy a few groceries, then back to the show. Méabh has won a 1st and a 2nd and Brendan is disqualified, both are delighted!

We admire some beautifully turned out sheep and some fabulous produce exhibits. 

Sadly Lily doesn’t have any luck, but Bridie wins a third for her bread. 

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